On January 1, 2023, the regulatory package will enter into force which constitutes the third major revision of company law, after those that occurred in
assists its customers with tailor-made solutions, offering itself as a "one stop shop" for every need.
Arifida provides personalized and customer-oriented services. Our team of professionals works in close collaboration with its customers to understand their needs and provide tailor-made solutions.
Arifida offers financial advice tailored to the specific needs of its clients.
Arifida SA was born in Chiasso on 22 January 1976 by the hand of Battista Ponti who, already strong in solid experience in the fiduciary branch, assisted by a small team of people, gives life to what today
is one of the most important realities in the sector on the panorama, not only in Ticino, but also nationally with wide outlets and positive feedback at an international level…
For over 40 years, Arifida’s team of expert accountants has been assisting companies of all types with all their accounting needs. Some of our areas of specialization: Assistance to start-ups for …
NATIONAL TAX CONSULTANCY Tax returns for natural and legal persons Checks and tax audits Tax consultancy in the field of company formation Study and negotiations of preventive agreements with the …
Arifida has the qualifications to act as an auditing body in Switzerland, both in the context of limited and ordinary audits. Contact us to find out more! PAYROLL ADMINISTRATION Arifida’s …
Here are our main areas of specialization: Solutions such as “one-stop-shop” for payroll processing, payroll accounting and work permits Personnel selection and recruitment service Comprehensive assistance with the transfer of executives to Switzerland as well …
REAL ESTATE ADMINISTRATION The experts in the real estate branch of Arifida deal with the administration of buildings located in the Canton of Ticino, whether they are designed to generate income (rent) or for personal …
ORDINARY BUSINESS CONSULTANCY Formation and domiciliation of national companies Administrative management Bookkeeping (financial, analytical, payroll, management reports) Processing of VAT invoices Consultancy in the preparation of the annual accounting closures (…
Since the beginning of 2018, companies based abroad and operating in Switzerland with Swiss customers have been required to subject their services to VAT and therefore to have their own registration …
Arifida developed the propensity for taking care of the all-round interests of families (especially entrepreneurs) even before the term “family office” became commonly used. Our qualified staff is able to …
Generational change represents one of the most important challenges for all family businesses. Arifida’s winning approach is therefore based above all on listening to all the generations involved and the long-term objectives, arriving at defining …
WHICH DIFFERENCE? In our view there is no real difference between a Start-Up and a new mandate. We are in fact available to more or less young entrepreneurs, respectively novices or with extensive experience to …
On January 1, 2023, the regulatory package will enter into force which constitutes the third major revision of company law, after those that occurred in
The COVID-19 friendly agreement signed in June 2020 between Switzerland and Italy on the topic of smart working, i.e. (tele)working from the home of the
The recent meeting in Bern between representatives of the two countries has given new impetus to speculation about the entry into force of the new
The tax section of the Italian Court of Cassation has sanctioned in the very recent sentence of 1. September 2022 n. 25698/2022 how the right
On 1 January 2023, various innovations in the field of company law will come into force in Switzerland, therefore applicable to the Anonymous Company (SA)
On 1 January 2023, the revision of the Civil Code which affects inheritance law will come into force. What are the main changes? Expansion of
9 February 2022 – Following a decision by the current Italian Government (“Family Act”, DL 21 December 2021 n. 230), starting from 1 March 2022,
On January 1, 2021, the “Executive decree concerning the minimum hourly wage by economic sector” of November 18, 2020 entered into force, which is based